Grassland Management
Grass in the cheapest source of feed in a livestock enterprise. Managed grazing programmes such as rotational grazing or strip grazing can increase grass utilisation and reduce requirements for purchased concentrates.
Unfortunately, grass does not grow all year round and there are often grass deficits in the winter. By measuring grass and building up a bank of data, Farmax can be used to predict surplus and deficits of grass throughout the year, allowing the farmer to forward plan. Using this data, farmers may choose to use alternative forages such as fodder beet.
On the other hand, farmers may be able to adopt all grass wintering systems by planning for this in advance.
Meeting Reports
Grass the Low Cost Feed? Can we use it better? - Charlie Morgan GrassMaster Ltd Integrating Production and Environment
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Angus Monitor Farm
Mill of Inverarity Farm, Angus (Summer 2019)
Angus Monitor Farm final summary