Meet The Team

  • Monitor Farm Delivery Team

    For the 2022-26 programme, each Monitor Farm will work closely with the Programme Manager and a Regional Adviser. The PM and farm team may bring in specialist help to consult on more detailed aspects of the baseline audit.

  • Beth Alexander

    Monitor Farm Programme Manager

    A beef and sheep farmer in Perthshire, where we run a herd of commercial suckler cows and stratified sheep system. After graduating from Newcastle University, I joined QMS as a cattle and sheep specialist in 2019. I’m delighted to be involved in a dynamic Monitor Farm Programme which will bring businesses and communities together to drive change. My role is to coordinate all activity on the 9 Monitor Farms across Scotland encouraging collaboration with farmers, industry and research to seek innovative solutions.


    Mobile: 07788 927520

  • Peter Beattie

    Regional Adviser: North

    I work with the three Monitor Farmers in the North of Scotland: Banff and Buchan, Strathspey and Deeside and their Management Groups to help improve the resilience and sustainability of their businesses.  I have a strange passion for data and information that drive farm decisions, a lifelong love of livestock and I am happiest in the middle of our stunning landscapes on a bright day, soaking up the enthusiasm of farmers for their craft.


    Mobile: 07769 366614

  • Christine Cuthbertson

    Regional Adviser: West

    My role is to support the three Monitor Farms in the West Cluster of the Programme which are in Argyllshire, Stirlingshire, and South Ayrshire. I work closely the Monitor Farmers and their local farming community to help build resilient, dynamic farms focused on reaching full economic, social and  environmental sustainability.


    Mobile: 07769 366671

  • Maura Wilson

    Regional Adviser: South East

    I provide support to the South Cluster of Monitor Farms which are East Lothian, Dumfries and Roxburgh. I work closely with the farmers and their communities to aid them on their journey for the next 4 years as well as facilitating all meetings and engagements.


    Mobile: 07721 677556