Reduced margins in cereal production and high price volatility in these markets has increased pressure on growers to reduce the cost of production. Optimising outputs by maximising yields without increasing costs disproportionally is a difficult task across all agricultural enterprises.
Field mapping is method available to optimise output by utilising the most productive fields for specific crops and using lower producing fields for alternative enterprises or improving the soil to increase productivity.
Although considered separate enterprises in many farming businesses, arable and livestock enterprises can often complement each other. Utilising arable ground for rearing livestock can improve soil quality and reduce input costs for both enterprises..
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Meeting Reports
Salome Project
Salome Project Scandinavian spring barley variety Salome was grown on four monitor farms across three locations in Scotland in order to ascertain if it is a viable option for commercial use in the malting sector.The variety was chosen due to its early maturity and was grown at farms in Angus, Lothian and Shetland in order to compare its performance in different regions and climates. The farms grew Salome alongside existing varieties such as Laureate and Concerto and compared the crops in terms of grain yield and spirit yield. The report highlights the projects approach, the results of the project and the benefits of Vitrual Argronomy
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Angus Monitor Farm
Mill of Inverarity Farm, Angus (Summer 2019)
Angus Monitor Farm final summary