Growing Fodder Beet in Scotland Presentation
Download the presentation, Fooder Beet in Scotland, by Kirsten Williams, SAC Consulting Beef and Sheep Consultant and Dr Alex Sinclair, SAC Conculting Senior Consultant.
Fodder beet offers many potential benefits to livestock producers in Scotland, the largest of which is the yield potential, which is larger than any other forage crop grown in the UK.
The high yield potential gives the crop the ability to be the cheapest forage per kg of dry matter, while the excellent nutrition gives it the ability to be the cheapest forage per mega joule of energy. Achieving the yield in a cost-effective manner is key to maximising the potential of the crop.
This webinar is part of a series that will be held as part of this farmer led action research project, funded through the Monitor Farm Scotland innovation pot, which is exploring ways to collate information and data on farming activities — in this case the growing of fodder beet.
To listen to the webinar recording, click here.